Personal Trainer, Lifestyle Coach & Fitness Instructor

  I provide holistic life coaching to adults over 40 gain clarity, embrace adventure, cultivate vitality, and create a fulfilling life through functional fitness, playful living, active aging, deeper intimacy, and navigating the next chapter of life.

My Story

My name is Reba.

I've been a lot of things in the first 40 or so years of my life including:

  • Graduate of 3 degrees including AA in Business Programming, BS in Information Systems Management and a Masters in I/O Psychology

  • Software engineer at NASA for 20 years

  • Wife

  • Mom

  • Real Estate Agent

  • Cub Scout Den Leader

  • Business Owner

  • Boy Scout Event Organizer

  • Fundraiser for cancer patients

But fit and healthy or an athlete was not one of them. I never did sports in school. I attended Spa Lady once in a while in my 30's during lunch break. My weight fluctuated as I yoyo dieted most of my adult life.

It wasn't till my 40's that I started my health and fitness journey as a result of health scares and just being fed up with how I looked at 50 pounds heavier than I am now. I changed my mindset and was able to make changes to my body that I never imagined was possible. It started with my son's boy scout week long bike trip along the C & 0 canal. From there I had a renewed sense of confidence that I was able to do things that I thought were long over which led to:

  • Marathon runner

  • Century cyclist

  • Avid hiker

  • Athlete

  • ACE certified Group Fitness Instructor:

    • Cycle (MaddDog Athletics)

    • Bootcamps

    • AquaFit

    • Core Conditioning

    • Les Mills: RPM, CxWorx.

    • Yoga (YogaFit)

    • Pilates

    • Silver Sneakers

  • ACE certified Personal Trainer

  • Bodybuilder

  • ACE certified Health Coach

  • Wining first place in bikini masters over 50 which was my first NPC Bikini Competition a day shy of my 56th birthday.

  • Mind Body Green certified Life Coach

  • ISSA certified Senior Fitness Specialist


Most of my adult life was living on a diet and exercise roller coaster, with my weight fluctuating up and down over the years.  But with the right mindset and hard work, I have lost over 50 pounds and made it my life mission to achieve and maintain the best health possible.  After making changes in exercise and nutrition, I was able to achieve a new level of fitness that I previously thought impossible.

Now in my 60’s, I have taken on a new role as a certified life coach for those wishing to find an abundant life after 40.

RebaFitness will continue to be about being fit, strong, and healthy at any age or stage of life; creating life long healthy habits while achieving balance that will improve every aspect of life that includes being fit but also making room for the good things in life.

More about my story and transformation is available on my First Blog: This is Me.